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3+ Effective Drinks to Cure UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) in 2023

Writer: Raveena SabharwalRaveena Sabharwal

A Urinary Tract Infection is an infection basically in any part of the urinary system including the Urethra, Bladder, and Kidney. 40% of men get UTI and they are unaware of it, assuming that it can't happen to males is the biggest misconception. A UTI can be cured in simple steps followed. Read the full blog, without skipping any points and find out all UTI information &also the easiest solution to cure and remove UTI and avoid recurrence.

Are you one " If you feel the urge to go to the washroom more frequently, you must not ignore this, Visit your Doctor. Take the major precautions mentioned below in full detail and follow up on the hygiene routine for UTI treatment. "

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FAQs About UTI

What is UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)?

An infection that occurs in any part of the Urinary System (Kidney, Bladder, and Urethra). It happens when a few bacteria enter the urinary tract via the urethra. Once bacteria go inside, they multiply into hundreds to thousands.

What is a Bacterial UTI?

The bacteria named E. coli is commonly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This can occur when bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra.

What are the symptoms of a UTI?

The Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection/ Cystitis rely on how severe the UTI infection is. Few people at the early stage find irritation/ burning feeling while Urinating, and others might get chills, fever, intense stomach ache, lower abdomen pain, the urge to urinate more frequently, little peeing, cloudy pee, strange-smelling pee, dark, bloody pee, Pain in back. As stated by doctors, people getting fever and chills may cause if bacteria reached their kidneys.

What are UTI symptoms in women? Are women at greater risk of developing UTIs?

The symptoms seen in women are burning feeling peeing, chills, fever, irritation around the vagina, white discharge, lower back pain, pain in legs, lower abdomen pain, cloudy pee, blood in pee, and the smell of urine. These are the common symptoms seen in patients. Others may have more. Yes, women are at greater risk of developing UTIs because the female urinary system is made in such a way. Some women are more likely to get UTIs because of their genes. A woman's Urinary system is shaped like they are more likely to get infected by bacterias. The women urethra 1 in 2 women have UTI, but they never discuss it, and it can happen at any age. No matter whether you are a teenager or an adult. This is all about hygiene only.

What are UTI symptoms in men? Can men get infected?

The symptoms in men are also the same but most of them find irritation only while peeing. Lately found men have the least chance of getting infected in comparison to women but that doesn't mean they can't get infected or can get allergies on the skin because of UTI. The bacteria can build somewhere along their urinary tract. UTIs develop in the urethra and in men's urinary system- the urethra (the tube that runs from the opening of the tip of the penis to the bladder). It's a long tube and since men's genital parts are outward they have lesser chances of UTI unlikely women.

What Causes Bladder infections?

The answer is the same as mentioned above when bacteria travels from the urethra to the bladder. The bacteria grows itself and multiplies quickly ending up creating a cyst. This causes Bladder Infection whether in men or women. travel Bladder Infection is different from UTI since Bladder gets infected only in Bladder Infection while in UTI- the uterus, bladder, &also kidneys are.

What causes UTI?

A myth about UTIs is that they occur only with sexual intercourse which is not fully true. The likelihood of development of UTI can be poor personal hygiene, suppressed immune system, use of tampons *in few cases*, heavy use of antibiotics, dirty toilets, not drinking enough fluids, and engaging in intercourse which exposes the urethra to more bacteria. These are all similar causes for men and women.

What are the signs of Urinary Tract Infection?

The signs of UTI, similar to the symptoms discussed above are mental confusion, burning while peeing, cloudy urine, blood in urine, fever, and chills in the body.

How is Urinary Tract Infection diagnosed?

To diagnose Doctors prescribe these tests to find out the cause :


This is to create an image of internal organs. This is also used to diagnose if women have PCOS.

Urine Culture

This is to determine the bacteria in the urine and appropriate treatment later given.

Routine Urine Test/ Urinalysis

This is to examine the urine for RBC, WBC, and bacteria that indicates urine infection. This is the nursing diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection.

How to kill bacteria in the urethra?

The simple ways and natural remedies to kill the bacteria and cure are to drink plenty of water, pee when need to, add Vitamin C to your diet, Take probiotics that can be homemade curd, always wipe your genitals from front to back, and for more follow the 3 essential drinks given after to cure the UTI permanently and avoid recurrence.


If you are someone who has UTI, you don't feel comfortable sharing then you should try these drinks that effectively help in curing the UTI all at once.

3+ Effective Drinks to Cure UTI

These drinks not only give you relief from your UTI but also with the help of antibiotics and an above basic hygiene routine can help to cure UTI and avoid its recurrence at any time.

Drink 1:

Natural Fruit ( Wood-Apple) Juice

Wood-Apple (BAEL in Hindi) has multiple benefits, it not only cures UTIs but also helps with PCOS, Stones in the body. It is full of nutrients, it can boost energy, and it keeps you hydrated. It is also known as " Elephant-apple". It is a good source of fiber, vitamins, protein, and iron. It is a must-have fruit in the diet in summer. There is a funky smell in it.

The pulp in it can be eaten raw, else you can scoop out and crush it into juice, adding water would help. It is a delicious beverage. It is a good drink for PCOS patients, it can break stones that develop due to chemical imbalances in your body. You can make jams from this delicious fruit. A video to guide you all about how to make a drink out of it is given below. Do check it out!!

Source: Youtube

Drink 2:

Cranberry Juice

We all love berries, all have their own health benefits. Cranberry is among them which protects against liver diseases, Lowers blood pressure improves eye sight/vision, heals cardiovascular problems, and helps in PCOS. They give benefits only if it is sugar-free since its natural sugar content is very high.

There are numerous brands available that sell cranberry juice, if you find them a bit expensive then you can extract juice by bringing cranberries at home.

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Drink 3:

Coconut Water

Everyone is aware of the skin benefits of drinking coconut water but Do you know it helps with UTIs also, keeping hydrated is the motto of this drink. It is a good source of several nutrients. It helps in preventing kidney stones and prevents Urinary Tract Infection recurrence. It is a delicious drink that anyone would love to drink. It helps in flushing out the bacteria by urinating frequently. It increases the body's immune system and fights viral infections. To Increase your immunity, try these Yoga Exercises.

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Raw Pressery Coconut Water Rs. 60

Drink 4:

UT JOY is a syrup and a permanent solution to cure before taking antibiotics, with no side effects. It decreases the acidity of Urine and helps flush out the bacteria. Unlike other medicines, It tastes similar to cranberry juice.

It has a thick consistency because of which one T-spoon is enough for beginners, add some water. Drink this anytime but only twice a day. Even if you are expecting it's safe as mentioned in the dosage over the bottle packaging - "Direction to Use". Patients suffering from recurrent UTI can take this to get a permanent solution at once.

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UT joy

If Precautions not taken at an early stage then later it has severe risks lead to Bladder Infection, Kidney Damage. This blog is shared for UTI information to make you aware of the problems that can cause by UTI. Each and every information shared is related to experiences, and sources of GOOGLE.

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